Jain Jagruti Centre, Amratnagar, Mumbai

Rama Shah was invited at Jain Jagruti Centre, Amratsagar, Ghatkopar, Mumbai to demonstrate her talent of making a Ganesha Idol Blindfolded at Zaverben Auditorium on 12th August, 2014. Continue reading
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Rama Shah was invited at Jain Jagruti Centre, Amratsagar, Ghatkopar, Mumbai to demonstrate her talent of making a Ganesha Idol Blindfolded at Zaverben Auditorium on 12th August, 2014. Continue reading
Rama Shah completed making 300000 Ganesha Idols on 12th August, 2014 in 14 years. All her idols are hand made. She made her 300001st Idol blind folded at Smt. Jhaverben… Continue reading