Rama Shah Completes making 253000 Ganesha Idols

Rama Shah has been making Lord Ganesha Idols since last thirteen years in all different shapes & sizes, without using any mould, while chanting shlokas and mantras with best wishes…. Continue reading
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Rama Shah has been making Lord Ganesha Idols since last thirteen years in all different shapes & sizes, without using any mould, while chanting shlokas and mantras with best wishes…. Continue reading
Rama was invited at Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi’s “Sadbhavna Mission” at Bhavnagar on 3rd December, 2011. She presented a Ganesha Idol hand made by her in… Continue reading
Rama Shah was invited at Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi’s “Sadbhavna Mission” at Bhavnagar on 2nd/3rd December, 2011. Rama Shah made an Idol of Lord Ganesha blind… Continue reading